Braintree BMX Club, 22/23 Winter Series, Round 5

Sunday saw five Hawks racing over in Braintree, home of the Braintree Bullets. Brother and sister trio, Poppy, Holly and Noah were back out in action, after they’d been down in Bexhill for the fourth and final round of the TNT/Jump Club Series (race report to follow on that, so no spoilers!). In addition to those seasoned racers, Megan, fresh from her fantastic exploits in Birmingham was also racing.

A racing debut!

Lastly, and deserved of special mention, Oscar, who was making his racing debut.

I can’t comment on how Megan’s day went because I wasn’t there, but based purely on Sqorz, it went pretty well - Megan romped home with a clean sweep, taking 1st place in each of her 4 races. Well done Megan!

I’m told by Kate that Poppy and Holly had some really good battles, making their way through the fields in each race and that they went on to do well in their respective semi finals. Holly secured 3rd in the Mixed 8-9 category and Poppy came home 6th in Mixed 10-12. Not to be outdone by his sisters, Noah grabbed a 3rd in his second Moto, and came home in 5th in his Final. Well done to all three of them.

What a day Oscar had on his debut! Oscar kicked things off with a second place in his first Moto, but unfortunately followed that with a nasty crash in his second which required some medical attention. However, he was back on his bike in time to win his third Moto. Not content with those results, he completed the dream finish to his day with an impressive win in the final.

Congratulations, Oscar! Glad to see that your fall didn’t cause you to miss out on capping off a great day. Well done for taking your first steps into racing, and well done on bringing home a win on your first time out.

Club races like the ones that Braintree run, and of course the ones that we at Hawks ran last year (and are intending to run again this year) are a great way to take your first steps into racing.

Round 6 of the Braintree Winter Series will be held on the 5th of March. Details of the event are here, on the British Cycling event page,

Thanks to Kate and George for their submissions which made this race report possible. If you’re interested in contributing to the News section of the website please get in touch with one of the committee members and we’ll look to get you set up with an account on the website so that you can make contributions.


Deep South Talent Development Centre Session, Gosport


Birmingham Winter Series, Round 4